
The project was highly appreciated by the all-Russian public organization «Green Patrol» in January 2021 (accredited by the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources, there is an agreement on interaction with Rospotrebnadzor). The result was the signing of the «Green Declaration», which provides access for independent experts to the production site of the port, as well as assistance in conducting expert assessments of the implementation of the program for the transition to a protected type of transshipment.

Oleg Kozhemyako

Governor of Primorsky Krai

«We saw that a lot of work has been done on environmental safety. There is a closed conveyor, a covered shed is being built, a control center is operating, where automation controls the operation of dust suppression equipment, guns, thanks to all this, emissions do not exceed the maximum allowable concentration. We met with the team, about five hundred people work there, residents of Nakhodka and Partizansk, we also always take this factor into account,» added Oleg Kozhemyako.

Тимур Магинский

глава Находкинского городского округа

«Терминал Астафьева», будучи крупным налогоплательщиком, не только пополняет казну города, своевременно и в полном объеме выплачивая налоговые отчисления, но и на протяжении нескольких лет участвует в финансировании социальных проектов, реализуемых в городском округе. «Терминал Астафьева» — пример социально ответственного предприятия. Порт много вкладывает в развитие микрорайона мыс Астафьева, и эти работы будут продолжаться. Откроются новые возможности для развития социальной сферы города, будут вкладывать средства в будущее города, детей, в реализацию различных социальных проектов.

Andrey Nagibin

Chairman of the Board of the All-Russian public organization "Green Patrol"

We travel a lot around Russia, visited many enterprises, but for the first time we see that in the Asia-Pacific region, in the Russian Far East, a real closed site for coal transshipment is being prepared. Our task is to take public control of the modernization plan that Astafyev’s Terminal is carrying out until 2025, and check what has already been done. We would recommend that other public organizations organize similar control over the modernization plans that other stevedores have. This is a very important work, since the problem of coal transshipment in the Far East is a well-known issue throughout Russia.

Alexander Agoshkov

President of the Public Interregional Organization "Pacific Academy of Sciences of Ecology and Life Safety"

It is very pleasant that the company is taking all measures to close all sources of dusting as much as possible. Astafiev Terminal creates an environmentally friendly technology that will minimize the impact on marine biota and atmospheric air. The groundwork that is being made now at the terminal and its counterpart, which is not yet available anywhere in the Far East, allows us to count on good results.

Olga Fedorina

A resident of the Astafyeva microdistrict

We are very glad, all the residents, that Astafyev Terminal fulfills the request of the residents. We have already become so good in terms of landscaping. And everyone can see that the construction at the port is going on in a closed way. And I can clearly see from the balcony how this canopy is being built. Just makes the heart happy. I’m already halfway through. All will be closed soon.

Tatiana Podolskaya

A resident of the Astafyeva microdistrict

You know, I drive by there every day. And I see that work is being done, and it’s impressive: the sheds are so huge. And I think that we, the residents, appreciate it. And we are glad that «Terminal Astafiev» keep their word.

Svetlana Bykanova

A resident of the microdistrict Cape Astafieva

I am glad that the administration of Astafiev Terminal takes care of the residents of our district. To make the city cleaner and less dusty. And I would very much like stevedoring companies to also do closed transshipment on their territory.

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